
温州大学代表团到访问河北工业大学芬兰校区2024年9月26日,温州大学校长赵敏率代表团来到河北工业大学芬兰校区拉彭兰塔校园进行调研座谈。温州大学生命与环境科学学院院长郑向勇、公共事务管理处处长郭均纺、人事处副处长赵燕、外国语学院教授叶苗随团来访。Oct 28, 2024
芬兰校区成功举办2024秋季学期期中教学反馈交流会2024年10月10日至11日,芬兰校区2024秋季学期期中教学反馈交流会于拉彭兰塔、拉赫蒂两校区成功举行。芬兰校区轮值校长、国际教育学院副院长何静飞、在芬全体任课教师和行政人员参加会议,并邀请拉彭兰塔-拉赫蒂工业大学(LUT)各专业系主任出席本次会议。Oct 10, 2024
北京信息科技大学代表团到访河北工业大学芬兰校区2024年9月23日,北京信息科技大学党委副书记王文杰率代表团来到河北工业大学芬兰校区拉彭兰塔校园进行调研座谈。北京信息科技大学学生工作处处长张景波、图书馆馆长张健随同座谈。芬兰校区轮值校长、国际教育学院副院长何静飞,拉彭兰塔 - 拉赫蒂工业大学(LUT大学)发展规划部部长Janne Hokkanen出席会议。Sep 25, 2024
津遇欧盟,夏韵华彩 —— 欧盟学子河北工业大学暑期学术文化交流之旅圆满结束随着夏日的尾声悄然临近,河北工业大学承办的国家留学基金管理委员会的中国政府奖学金国际暑期学校项目(“津遇欧盟,夏韵华彩”河北工业大学-拉彭兰塔-拉赫蒂工业大学暑期学术文化交流项目)也圆满地落下了帷幕。来自芬兰、德国、西班牙、保加利亚等国家的13位优秀学生,深入体验了中国文化的魅力,并参与了丰富多彩的课程学习与实践,与河北工业大学的师生们共同度过了一段难忘的时光。Sep 25, 2024
Double Degree
If you meet the requirements, you will be awarded a diploma and a bachelor's degree certificate from Hebei University of Technology, and a bachelor's degree certificate from LUT University.
First-class Majors
We offer four undergraduate majors, including Mechanical Design,Manufacturing and Automation, Electrical Engineering and Automation, Energy and Power Engineering, and Computer Science and Technology, which are based on the "Advanced Equipment Engineering and Technology" group,a double first-class discipline of Hebei University of Technology.
Combination of China & Finland
the Chinese Hebei University of Technology is the "211 project", "double" first-class disciplines in colleges and universities. And the LUT of Finland, known as one of the top 3 technology universities, enjoys a reputation "cradle" of Finnish modern industrial manufacturing engineers. And it is entitled as one of the world's 20 most potential universities by Firetail.
Multivariate Cultivation
foreign language courses, public courses, professional navigation courses, professional courses, management and communication courses, innovation and entrepreneurship courses will be taught.Finally, the students will have a good command of professional English, strong professional skills, management skills,communication skills and entrepreneurial skills.
you will study in Hebei University of Technology Tianjin Campus for the first year and in Finland Campus for the last 3 years.
this is the first undergraduate overseas campus established in a developed country. In this campus, each students group form China, the European Unionand other countries will account for one third of the total number.