芬兰校区2023级赴芬行前素质拓展活动圆满完成正值芬兰校区2023级学生准备赴芬留学之际,为增强各班班级凝聚力,提高学生的集体观念,增进学生间的友谊,培养相互扶持、相互帮助的意识,芬兰校区为2023级赴芬学生举办行前素质拓展活动。Jun 30, 2024
端午粽香浓,中欧情谊深|芬兰校区端午节文化体验活动圆满成功6月6日上午,在中国传统节日端午节来临之际,河北工业大学芬兰校区举办了“端午粽香浓,中欧情谊深”端午节文化体验活动。来自芬兰、意大利、西班牙、德国、保加利亚、立陶宛、俄罗斯、印度尼西亚等国家的13名短期来华国际学生参加了此次活动。Jun 07, 2024
语言交汇,智慧共融 | LUT语言中心教师来访河北工业大学近日,芬兰拉彭兰塔-拉赫蒂工业大学(下文简称LUT)语言中心主任Ritva Kosonen与高级讲师Sari Turppo来访河北工业大学,进行了为期数日的学术访问和文化交流。此次交流旨在增进双方在语言教学领域的合作与理解,共享教育资源和经验,为未来的全英文教学合作奠定坚实基础。Jun 04, 2024
河北工业大学与LUT大学共商教育合作新篇章2024年5月20日上午9点,一场旨在加强河北工业大学及拉彭兰塔-拉赫蒂工业大学(下文简称LUT大学)学院交流和教育合作方面的会议成功举行。本次会议重点探讨双方在电气工程、人工智能、机械工程、能源与环境等专业领域内的合作机会及方式。会议由国际教育学院副院长何静飞主持,来自两校的多位领导和教师代表参加。May 21, 2024
Double Degree
If you meet the requirements, you will be awarded a diploma and a bachelor's degree certificate from Hebei University of Technology, and a bachelor's degree certificate from LUT University.
First-class Majors
We offer four undergraduate majors, including Mechanical Design,Manufacturing and Automation, Electrical Engineering and Automation, Energy and Power Engineering, and Computer Science and Technology, which are based on the "Advanced Equipment Engineering and Technology" group,a double first-class discipline of Hebei University of Technology.
Combination of China & Finland
the Chinese Hebei University of Technology is the "211 project", "double" first-class disciplines in colleges and universities. And the LUT of Finland, known as one of the top 3 technology universities, enjoys a reputation "cradle" of Finnish modern industrial manufacturing engineers. And it is entitled as one of the world's 20 most potential universities by Firetail.
Multivariate Cultivation
foreign language courses, public courses, professional navigation courses, professional courses, management and communication courses, innovation and entrepreneurship courses will be taught.Finally, the students will have a good command of professional English, strong professional skills, management skills,communication skills and entrepreneurial skills.
you will study in Hebei University of Technology Tianjin Campus for the first year and in Finland Campus for the last 3 years.
this is the first undergraduate overseas campus established in a developed country. In this campus, each students group form China, the European Unionand other countries will account for one third of the total number.